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Re: [Nobbc] CSRG Racing Oct 1-3

To: "North Bay British Car Club" <>
Subject: Re: [Nobbc] CSRG Racing Oct 1-3
From: "Clif & Deborah Williamson" <>
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 17:12:26 -0700
The cost of admission to the WCC plus the cost of the laps made the whole 
thing a total success.  Bonus was the Wine and Food tent and some great 
racing.   At the WCC, I didn't get the impression there was any exclusion 
for laps.  That is it was open to anyone.  If you knew it was happening , 
you just got in line, paid your money, signed on the dotted line and off you 
went.  The laps brought a new level of fun to the WCC.  A taste of honey so 
to say.  I just want more.  I know the guys behind the truck didn't have it 
so good, but about 30 cars back it felt like the real thing.  Kinda.
Clif 1974 JH

From: "Tim Thresh" <>
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2010 4:40 PM
To: "North Bay British Car Club" <>
Subject: Re: [Nobbc] CSRG Racing Oct 1-3

> Clif,
> Just like at the WCC, you can be a spectator for the cost of admission. 
> Racing requires membership of CSRG etc, etc........
> Tim
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Clif & Deborah Williamson" <>
> Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2010 11:57 AM
> To: "North Bay British Car Club" <>
> Subject: Re: [Nobbc] CSRG Racing Oct 1-3
>> I like that idea.  Seems like a lot of trouble to try to set this up with 
>> CSRG.  But is the MG club OK with us parking with them?  Do we need a 
>> club pass or something at the gate for the discount and the laps?
>> Clif
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