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Re: [Nobbc] Legislative update

To: <>
Subject: Re: [Nobbc] Legislative update
From: Tom Reier <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 13:28:01 -0800
 You mean I shouldn't take the three hundred bucks for the morgan super sports
sitting in the yard? > Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 06:39:38 -0800> From:> To:> Subject: [Nobbc] Legislative
update> > FYI:> Cheers,> Greg Tatarian> > Urgent Legislative Alert >
4F80E23A5302463E014F8223> > > > Dear Fellow Enthusiast,> > Last month, we sent
you an Urgent Legislative Alert from The Specialty > Equipment Market
Association (SEMA) regarding a proposed Cash for > Clunkers bill that would
threaten our hobby. Thanks to your > overwhelming response, this legislation
was dropped from the economic > stimulus package. Congratulations for standing
up for your rights as > enthusiasts!> > We have just received a follow-up
Legislative Alert from SEMA. New > legislation (S. 247 and H.R. 520) has been
introduced in Congress to > create a national vehicle scrappage program which
will give U.S. tax > dollars to consumers who turn-in their gas guzzlers to
have them > crushed. This program would target vehicles with low fuel economy
> ratings of any model year. That means sports cars, SUVs, and >
performance-built vehicles could be crushed in exchange for a monetary >
reward.> > The following information is directly from SEMA. If you would like
to > contact the lawmaker, follow the instructions in the alert.> > > Thank
you for your time,> > Your Friends at Summit Racing Equipment> > > > Oppose
Federal Vehicle Scrappage Program> > Our effort to prevent Congress from
including a nationwide Cash for > Clunkers program in the economic stimulus
package has been successful  > so far. Thousands of SEMA members and SEMA
Action Network (SAN) > enthusiasts contacted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in
opposition to the > plan. The Speakers Office informed us that your emails,
calls and faxes > were received and, thanks to your work, Cash for Clunkers
was not > included in the economic stimulus package introduced in mid-January
in > the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, new legislation (S. 247 and
> H.R. 520) has been introduced in Congress to create a national vehicle >
scrappage program which will give U.S. tax dollars to consumers who > turn-in
their gas guzzlers to have them crushed. Lawmakers need to > scrap this
idea!> > Contact Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA)
> Immediately> to Oppose S. 247 and H.R. 520> > The so-called Accelerated
Retirement of Inefficient Vehicles Act is > Cash for Clunkers with a twist.
Instead of focusing exclusively on older > cars, this program would target
vehicles with low fuel economy ratings > of any model year. Participants would
receive cash vouchers ranging from > $2,500 to $4,500 based on the model year
and whether the replacement > vehicle was a more fuel-efficient new car or
used car (MY 2004 or > later). Fuel-efficient is defined as getting at least
25 percent better > mileage for the corporate average fuel economy (CAFE)
target for its > class. The bill sponsors want to scrap up to one million cars
a year for > at least four years.> > There is no evidence that the program
would achieve the goal of boosting > new car sales or increasing fuel mileage.
Many states have considered > scrappage programs in the past as a way to help
clean the air or > increase mpg, but abandoned the effort because they simply
dont work. > The programs are not cost-effective and do not achieve
verifiable air > quality or fuel economy benefits, but they do have a
devastating impact > on the many small businesses that market products and
services for the > scrapped cars.> > *Dont Delay! Please contact Senator
Diane Feinstein and Rep. Henry > Waxman today to urge their opposition to S.
247 and H.R. 520. For those > who responded to our first call for action, we
need you again, along > with everyone else.*> > *Contact Sen. Dianne Feinstein
to oppose S. 247*> Click here to send an email: > >
4F80E23A5302463E014F8223> > > Call: (202) 224-3841> Fax: (202) 228-3954> >
*Contact Henry Waxman to oppose HR 520*> Click here to send an email: >
emid=1 >
4F80E23A5302463E014F8223>> Call: (202) 225-2927> Fax: (202) 225-2525> >
*Talking Points*> *Oppose the Use of U.S. Taxpayer Dollars for Accelerated
Vehicle Retirement*> > * I am writing to urge lawmakers not to approve an
accelerated> vehicle retirement program. Even on a voluntary basis, the>
program will hurt thousands of independent repair shops, auto> restorers,
customizers and their customers across the country that> depend on the used
car market. These businesses are already very> vulnerable in the weak
economy.> * An accelerated vehicle retirement program is flawed since it does>
not target the gross polluter, an improperly maintained vehicle> of any make
or model year that has poor fuel mileage and> dramatically more emissions due
to poor maintenance.> * An accelerated vehicle retirement program is flawed
because it> does not factor-in how many miles-a-year the collected vehicles>
are currently being driven. U.S. taxpayers will be buying> rarely-driven
second and third vehicles that have minimal impact> on overall fuel economy
and air pollution.> * Accelerated vehicle retirement wont generate many new
car sales.> The cash incentive provided will not be enough to enable a person>
to buy a new or used vehicle.> * Accelerated vehicle retirement will compete
with nonprofits that> rely on vehicle donations to raise funds, such as the
Salvation> Army, the Purple Heart and other charities.> * Accelerated vehicle
retirement threatens to disrupt a large and> complex industry which already
handles scrappage, repair,> remanufacturing and recycling issues. This
independent industry> provides thousands of American jobs and generates
millions of> dollars in local, state and federal tax revenues.> * Accelerated
vehicle retirement ignores better policy options.> Taxpayer dollars would be
better spent as direct tax incentives to> purchase a fuel-efficient new or
used car, without a government> vehicle crushing program. Congress should also
provide tax> incentives to upgrade, repair and maintain existing cars, trucks>
and SUVs. There are many commercially available products and> technologies
that can substantially improve fuel mileage and lower> the emissions.> * We
hope we can count on you to reject Accelerated Vehicle> Retirement. Thank
you for your consideration on this very> important matter.> > If you choose to
send a note and/or message to Sen. Feinstein and Rep. > Waxman please forward
a copy of your message to:> E-mail: <>>
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