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[Nobbc] elect tr project-and winter time mtg.

To: "North Bay British Car Club" <>
Subject: [Nobbc] elect tr project-and winter time mtg.
From: "Steve Lehmann" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 21:53:14 -0600
last report on elect tr project was that it was a tr-6-
turns out it is a gt-6
some info. can be found at
did get some good questions and info from those that came back direct

now for winter sced-
the day ends by 11:00 a.m.
ron, gonna vote in w/others that noontime is a scrubbed launch.(or lunch)
guys you need to erect a indoor mtg spot-coffee shop-something like that-
if weater is non conducive to brit car travel then you can all still hook up
over a hot coffee.
just a thought.
what ever happened to the rose on armory as a mtg. place-(behind j.c.)
they were begging for nobbc there...
i do belive that,s where i (or we) hooked up w/bill o,hara.
but yes 12:00 is just to late in the day-or is that afternoon??????????
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