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Newsletters via e-mail

To: Newsletters Mailing List <>
Subject: Newsletters via e-mail
From: Colin Cobb <>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 15:55:03 -0600
Greetings all,

I am currently editing the RodRunner for the local rod club (65 members) and
am considering going to an e-mail delivery to save money. I understand from
recent traffic on this list that a number of you are already doing that.
Could you please e-mail a copy of your newsletter to me?

I want to find a way to e-mail our newsletter while preserving the look of
the current hard-copy newsletter. I presume Acrobat will do this and have
downloaded the 5.0 version.

I, incidentally, believe it is possible to attract new members with a well
done newsletter (so posting a newsletter to the web makes good sense) but do
not believe the newsletter will cause members to re-up for the 2nd or
subsequent year... Takes club content or benefits to do that.

Meanwhile, it's "Drive yer Britcar Week" and I've had me Mog out every
day... Seen not one other Britcar. Sigh....


--Colin Cobb, Las Cruces, NM, USA
'41 Chevrolet Coupe 350/350, '66 Morgan Plus Four, '89 Alfa Romeo Spider

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