Hello Everyone,
I am a newcomer to your list. You will be thinking that I have strayed,
having been a member of the Healey list for some months, but I now want to
reach any one who may have an interest in British Sports cars.
If there are any editors looking for copy, please get in touch with me.
My husband Peter and I are embarking on an enormous challenge starting May
1st . We have entered our Austin Healey BT7 in the 'Around the World in 80
days' Millennium challenge for classic and vintage cars.
For details of the rally organisation please look at www.carnet.co.uk
We are looking for help in various ways.
1. We invite people to come with us in spirit by joining our Supporters
Club. Details on our web-site tell you what you will receive. Allow your
imagination to take you along the Silk route or down the Yukon trail.
Gold members will receive a video after the event. Membership can be taken
out by credit card on the secure line. Please check it out.
Become involved in this first in motoring history, become part of our team.
2. We are also raising funds for the Childrens Hospice Association Scotland.
we invite donations or pledges per day travelled. Every day we drive , we
drive for CHAS. 100% of money raised in this way will go to the charity.
Forms are on the web-site.
3. If there is anyone out there interested in corporate sponsorship with
logos and/or web-site address on the car we can assure them of widespread
exposure. Sky television is negotiating following the rally and we will be
seen by miilions of people around the world. Please contact me for further
4. I am looking for someone to sponsor us with a good quality DVD camcorder
along the lines of the new Sony PC100 which at the moment costs about
Any offers?
If anyone would like more info and /or a photo of us and the rally car XRU
please contact me direct.
I have received considerable help from the Austin Healey Clubs in America.
Please ask all your clubs to consider membership.
Yours in speed,
Ann Hunt
Member of the Royal Scottish Automobile Club