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Re: front end vibration

To: "Roger Wilson" <>,
Subject: Re: front end vibration
From: Gerard <>
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 09:27:15 -0700

Sorry I missed you at Dixon. I arrived (also in a Traveller) just as the
rain was really starting to come down, so I followed onother friend home to
Davis for a while. (Glen, the guy with the Persimmon Traveller that was

Anyway, you should jack up the front end and check for any looseness in the
front suspension and bearings. Glen found his wheels were way out of whack
and replaced his. Balancing won't help if they;'re not true, so that could
be your problem too.

San Francisco

At 1:04 PM -0700 5/20/02, Roger Wilson wrote:
>I have a '69 Traveller that has had a front end problem since I got it about
>7 months ago.  At about 60-65mph the steering starts getting loose and
>steering wheel vibrates.  It seems to be worse decelerating than
>accelerating.  I found wear at one tie rod end and replaced both of them
>along with the steering rack boots, which were also due for replacement.
>That had no affect at all on the vibration problem, as I found out this
>weekend driving from Berkeley to the Dixon, CA  meet. The Traveller has
>about 97,000 miles on it. I am wondering if I should get the front end
>aligned and have the wheels balanced or if that would be a waste of money
>and I really need to replace the whole rack.
>Any ideas?
>Roger Wilson

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