There is a company called POR in New Jersey that makes a fantastic paint. I
think they are located in Parsippany, NJ. They have a number of products
like paint stripper, rust inhibitor, and hi-temp paint that are really good.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Dixon" <>
To: "Morgan Mailing List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 2:29 PM
Subject: Chassis Painting
> With the dreadful weather we are having I give in. I am happy to go out
> the Mog when its a bit wet but this.......
> I have therefore decided to attack the surface rust on the chassis - well
> that I can get at with a wire brush from under the car. Once cleaned up
> question is what to paint it with. The options I have identified are:
> Chassis black
> Smoothright
> Brushing Gloss
> Once done perhaps some Waxoyl?
> I wondered what the views of the DG were?
> Mike Dixon
> 71 4/4