Here is the data from the book "Morgan, The Cars and the Factory", by John
Plus 4:
Engine First# Last# Total
Vanguard P2100 P3922 799
TR2 2750 3488 344
TR3 3421 5574 1808
TR4 5136 6853 1582
Fiat F6796 F7240 125
Rover M16 M7569 M8666 356
Rover T16 T8681 ....
Hope this helps!
Rick Williams
'51 Plus4 #P2234 (with TR2 engine!)
Orinda, CA. wrote:
> I have combed every publication that I have on the Morgan and have yet to
> find one bit of Minutia. As a proud owner of a '67 Plus-4, #6485, I have
> always wondered how many low line Plus-4's were ever produced. Ken Hill's
> "The Four-Wheeled Morgan," volume 2 states that the first was produced in
> December of 1966, #6393 and the last was in December of 68, #6850. The
> difference is, of course, 457 but If you take out the drop heads, four
> seaters and occasional supersport, I'm sure the number would be less.
> It could be that because there are so few of them, the interest is just not
> there. As an owner, I would really like to know. Perhaps, one of the real
> students of the marque could let me know or maybe steer me in the right
> direction. I would no doubt be pushing my luck to ask, "How many of them
> left hand drive?"
> Oh well, Here goes.
> Any input would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Myron Koenig
> '67 Plus-4 #6485