While Im not going to "flame" you regarding your opinion -- I think I should
step up to the plate and say you merely have to find the people who are into
american iron AND brit cars -- then you get the best of both worlds!
56 +4 4 Seat (more or less)
77 Harley Custom HL
Scott Seidler
Senior Network Engineer, Sales.
Eastern DataComm, Inc.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Lannis []
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 10:16 PM
To: Stuart J. Ross;
Subject: Re: American collectors - threat... or menace?
Stuart -
I used to be into old American cars ('53 Dodge; '69 GTO Judge; '66 Mustang;
'47 Dodge pickup). I won't stereotype any particular group, and you MAY
chalk this observation up to MY changing over the years, but it seems to me
that there's lots more grouchy obnoxious old farts into old American iron
than into old British iron (or wood). I very seldom meet that sort of
person at a British car meet; but dern if I don't seem to see a lot of
self-important, know-it-all old toots at American car cruise nights and
things like that. Same goes for bikes; I've had three Harley Davidsons, and
I got out of them and into Britbikes because of the posers and profilers I
ended up riding with.
List, go ahead and flame me if I'm just blind prejudiced; it could be that I
am and that I need gentle guidance. If you've noticed the same thing,
though, be honest about it; take this opportunity to vent!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart J. Ross <>
>Here's a story about inconsiderate people NOT offering help. Early in May,
>was in Chestertown, MD driving my 53 Bentley R-Type when it started to make
>some nasty knocking sounds. I decided to stop and have it flatbeded back to
>NJ. Since it was Sunday, I had to wait over night. So I found a room and
>then took a cab into the historic district. A large group of old Fords came
>through town, mostly Model T's. They stopped for a meal at a dockside
>restaurant. I was going there anyhow, so I stopped at a table full of Ford
>folks and explained to them about the Bentley and wondered if any of them
>were "mechanical" and would like to take a look/listen. I told them that
>I wanted to know was if they had any idea what was wrong with the car, I
>didn't want to do a roadside repair. They were very "snotty" about it and
>downright unfriendly. One woman in the group said that they didn't want the
>responsibility of dealing with the car. I said all I wanted was someone's
>opinion of what might be wrong, and I certainly wasn't asking anybody to do
>any work on the car for me...just look & listen to the noise to try to
>figure out what was wrong. Well, I know that Morgan people would have said
>something like..."I don't know myself, but try Herb over at the next table.
>He'll be able to look at it, etc" We certainly would have been more
>than these Bozos were to me. Next morning, I had it shipped back to NJ with
>the help of a much more cooperative and friendly group of guys at the local
>AAA auto parts store.
>Still waiting for the mechanic's verdict. but also still pissed off at the
>Ford Club in Maryland! Would Chevy guys have been more friendly?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Lannis" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 6:11 PM
>Subject: Re: Swell-tering event in Texas
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David P. Crandall <>
>> >Hi all - a report from one happy northerner who experienced Texas MogMog
>> >hospitality last weekend.
>> >
>> >The event was the annual Texas All Brits show in Houston. I'd met this
>> >great gal and Morganeer on the internet and we'd arranged a rendezvous
>> >Friday night after I finished a workshop for a bunch of school
>> >in McKinney Texas. Now, you know what they say about people you meet on
>> >the internet and the danger of just going somewhere not knowing what
>> >in for! Of course, how could a fellow Morgan nut not be OK, I figured.
>> David - Glad it worked out and you had a good time!!
>> With you, I think people are way too wimpy and paranoid about actually
>> meeting some of the neat people you get to know on these lists. Sure,
>> or 48 Minutes or one of those shows can always come up with a horror
>> but that's all part of the "perceived threat" problem that makes people,
>> example, cringe in horror at the thought of a nuclear power plant in
>> state while they blithely whoosh down the road at 75 mph 20 feet behind
>> car in front of them with a cell phone in their ear.
>> I've been helped many times over the years by people who didn't know me
>> were taking a "risk" in doing it; I intend to pass it on as long as I
>> Lannis "Stop by the House Sometime" Selz
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