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Re: Swell-tering event in Texas

To: "Stuart J. Ross" <>
Subject: Re: Swell-tering event in Texas
From: Carl French <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 21:36:27 -0400
Stuart J. Ross wrote:
> Here's a story about inconsiderate people NOT offering help.

  This weekend my very commonsensical wife suggested we stay with a
large group of cars going to a brit car show in Ct instead of just
puttering along at our own pace which we find more relaxing. Our engine
is still rather young and being that I was daring enough to do the
rebuild myself taking along a 15 car insurance policy sounded like a
good idea. One of the people involved was even nice enough to lend us a
spare radio to stay in contact. While driving through the communtiy
where the show was being held the car just gave up powered forward
motion. I was able to radio to the group that I was breaking down three
times before getting the response "we copy, we copy" and then the entire
group drove out of range. I quickly determined my 20 year old domestic
fuel pump had surrendered (on a mid Sunday am). Along story short... a
couple came by in a big Healey and gave me a ride to the show where I
procured a SU fuel pump and a member of the CT MG Club brought me back
and spent the better part of a hour helping me get the car back on the
 This was not what I had come to expect from fellow LBCers, If this
happened in our club several cars would have pulled over and a small
social gathering would have occured roadside.

Thanks for letting me use this thread as an excuse to vent a little,
other than that 'betrayal' we had a fab weekend. I am still looking for
Morgan pics for you Chip but I lost a few shots when a camera went bad.
Carl French

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