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To: "Morgans@Autox.Team.Net (E-mail)" <>
Subject: radar
From: Scott Seidler <>
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 17:37:10 -0400
Hi All,

A little note about radar and that flat black Vette:

In practice radar reflects off many flat surfaces that are angled in such
away that reflection is possible. an example would be the hood (flat plane)
of a vehichle does not give a large radar "signature" - whereas the rear of
the car, windshield, side, etc. will be in a better position to reflect. The
"radar invisible " planes out currently have "low signatures" meaning they
are not invisible to radar (ie: cloaking devices) but give such a small
radar signature (read: insect-like) that they are nearly invisible at a

The invisability or stealth of the objects are due to two main factors:
1- the placement of all of the surfaces set in such a way that they reflect
almost none of the radar signal back to the originating device - thats why
the odd look.

2- The special paint (high iron content I believe) scatters the radar signal
further reducing reflection on the surfaces that still can.

The stealth Vette in question used the first method to reflect radar away
from the source while using a radar jamming device to further nullify the
signals (although the jammer alone would do the trick) - He however was
unable to use the high tech (and unavailable) iron paint to complete the
stealth set up. So he just went for the looks. 

Just a note: even the trim around the window will reflect some radar bak to
the source - the stealth bomber/fighters actually make the trim into
triangular patterns rather than flat trim to further scatter the radar -
they also fly "between" radar fields avoiding the bulk of the heavier
"closer in" signals from the radar tranmitters.


56 +4 4 Seat (more or less)

Scott Seidler
Senior Network Engineer, Sales.
Eastern DataComm, Inc.
Phone: 201-457-3311
Fax: 201-457-1811

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