The charge light I am not sure about, but 1968 TR-4s that were negative
ground and used a generator also had a special voltage regulator that had a
lable on it specifying that it was for negative ground only. You do need to
reverse the low tension leads to the coil in order to get the correct amount
of voltage produced to fire the plugs under high load conditions. I have
personally fixed cars that had a high load miss by correcting incorrect coil
low tension polarity.
Greg Solow
----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Gilbert <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 2:37 PM
Subject: Clairification of ignition warning light question!
> Dear Morgan Folks,
> Thanks for all the replys to my FOOLISH move to change a perfectly
> fine Morgan from positive ground (as Mr. Lucas intended) to negative
> ground (so I could hook up a cell phone charger)!!!
> Perhaps I did not explain well. I'll try again.
> 1. I did have (new) generator polerized to be negaive ground(this was
> done by shop that rebuilt generator.
> 2. I reversed wires on ammeter. The guage now shows a positive
> movement when engine is reved... and less charge when at idle(looks
> normal to me!)
> 3. HOWEVER... the "ignition warning light" is working backwards. At
> idle it is dim or goes out. At higher rpm's light is on BRIGHT!!!
> Backwards from normal.
> Question #1. How can I fix the ignition warning light problem.
> Question #2 What about wires to coil... Info from one source says
> to reverse these. Fred's bedside reader says NO. Leave alone.
> Thanks again
> Steve Gilbert
> 67 4/4
> Negatively Grounded in Auburn, CA