For days I been pelted with cries of fuel price cuts and "Get a horse".
What ever happened to wasting gas AND polluting the air as you tool
effortlessly down the road in a wide open MORGAN! I think most of the
listers would agree that their Mogs are not essential transportation. While
I agree that the average gas mileage of a four cylinder 2000lb car is better
than the typical SUV - I'm wondering if the lack of pollution control is any
better for the environment than the addtional lost mileage of driving the
SUV to the "Corner Store".
Wanna do the world a favor - get a motorcycle.
Less gas used.
Lower pollution output.
Less congestion on the road.
I for one would prefer to drive my four cylinder SUV with pollution control
to the corner store, to pick up my kids from school, to drive back and forth
to work, and to haul all the missing Morgan parts I need to, than to balance
any of it on the back rack of my bicycle.
When weather and package load permits, Ill take the Harley to work!
77 Harley Show Custom XL (60 mpg)
56 +4 4 Seat (in parts) (One day Ill know MPG)
97 Toyota 4Runner (23 MPG)
95 Toyota Avalon (25 MPG)
92 Jeep Sahara (25 MPG)
Oh - and a 1992 TREK Mountain bike!!!!!!! (0 MPG)
Scott Seidler
Senior Network Engineer, Sales.
Eastern DataComm, Inc.
Phone: 201-457-3311
Fax: 201-457-1811