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Your response!

To: Morgan List <>
Subject: Your response!
From: "David" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 11:40:22 -0500
Fellow Morganeers,

I want to thank you folks for your generous responses regarding mounting
fenders to fender brackets.  If there are any other suggestions that are yet
to be aired,  I would be more than happy to receive them.

I also would  like to thank Al Gore who made all this possible for us in the
first place.  This chat line has been a God Send for me.  Being a neophyte
mechanic,  your responses have been an integral part of my restoration
project.  Think of the phone bills that we didn't have to pay and the time
consuming  letter writing we  would have had to have done .  The very best
thing is that we know  that we are out there!  Thanks AL.

Itching to get out of the garage,


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