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Re: More about MSCC vs Christine Healey

To: Jeremy Edwards <>
Subject: Re: More about MSCC vs Christine Healey
From: "David P. Crandall" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 14:59:55 -0400
Jeremy-I found the judgement almost as entertaining to read [if distressing] as 
Harry Potter; that is, its straightforward, no-holds-barred rhetoric gave a 
very clear picture of a badly handled personnel matter.  Having maneuvered my 
way through numerous personnel situations where the bottom line was simply "the 
chemistry ain't right" without this sort of strum and drang or legal fees, I 
shudder to think about the corporations these folks must be in charge of [if, 
by some Peter or Pauline principle they've risen to positions of influence in 
the private sector].  God help their shareholders when the employees tumble to 
the fact they don't have to put up with such arrogance and insensitivity.

While I must admit I find the new Miscellany format quite pleasant and even 
look forward to the adverts, it is admittedly a discretionary expense I could 
easily forego.  Of course, that could be said about the several stateside 
Morgan club newsletters that I receive as compensation for supporting their 
efforts on behalf of the marque.  Thus, I'm not likely to resign my membership 
right away. *However*, I do know a few chaps over there who haven't been heard 
from and would be glad to try to tweak them a bit.  Meantime, good luck with 
what may be a quixotic endeavor, one must fight the good fight when the whole 
world seems on the verge of being taken over by the buffoons!

Regards from Massachusetts, David MSCC No. 4128   1963 +4 DHC 1966 4/4

At 11:59 PM 10/11/1999 +0100, you wrote:

>I hope that by now most of you have had the opportunity to read the

>Tribunal Judgement, either mailed out by me or on the ManxMog web site



David P. Crandall, President


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