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Re: More Insurance

To: "John T. Blair" <>, Morgan List <>
Subject: Re: More Insurance
From: Ed Herman <>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 08:24:46 -0400
    You make a great point about Ins. Co.  They prefer to do things by a book,
and Morgans are not in the book.
    I belong to a small professional organization, about 3600 members in the US
and Canada.  Malpractice Ins. was a big problem for us.  The big companies 
understand us, and the little companies wouldn't touch us. Our professional 
worked out a deal with a large Ins Co.  We would all purchase our ins. through
one agency, and that agency would represent us with all other ins. co.
This arrangement works great.  If there is a claim against a member the agent
tells the other Ins. Co. who we are and what we do.  The explain the value of 
work.  Ins. Co feel more comfortable dealing with one of there own then dealing
with one of us.
    I think this is one of the best arguments for a North American Morgan club. 
club that is not just for the fun events of Morganeering, but to represent us
with people who think we are talking about horses.

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