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Tech: Spring tips Tech Tip

To: "" <>
Subject: Tech: Spring tips Tech Tip
From: Bob Nogueira <>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 99 22:34:25 -0500
-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

Just wanted to share a little  Info here.
I had a slight squeak  from Duchess' rear springs which was driving me nuts,
so I decided to pull the spring and see where it was coming from. Well the
springs were rather dirty and dry but the real problem appeared when I
pulled the spring out of the car , The silent block bushings  in the ends
were totally deteriorated. Given the location you can not see them unless
you remove the springs.   A quick drive  to the local spring shop here in
town and I picked up a couple of new bushings which fit in perfectly and
only required a little trimming off the ends . They were RB 37  bushings and
were only $7. 00 ,(US) each. 
After cleaning and greasing the leafs I reinstalled the springs and what a
difference!  No noise and a 100% improvement in  the ride.   
Well worth the 6 hours it took to do the job. 

Now a question regarding the steering box. 
The manuals refer to a " high spot " which should be felt at dead center. 
Well in adjusting my box I can feel two high spots. One comes on at 10:30 o
clock on the steering wheel and disappears at 11:30,  the other is between 
12.30 to 1:30 o'clock on the wheel. ( One is more pronounced than the other
Do I  have a worn cam or was the manual in error in referring to  a singular
 'Spot' when it should be "SPOTS" ?  

Bob Nogueira   

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