Listers.....At the risk of sounding like a curmudgeon, I would like
to ask a favor of you. There are often emails directed to one
specific person's comment on the list that really have nothing of interest
or value to anyother lister. Why mail it to the whole list? Why not send a
reply to that specific person? My mail gets cluttered with these comments.
True, it takes a flick of the mouse to delete these extra mailings, but it
is also
just as simple for the sender to mail those comments directly to the person
rather than to the whole list. We would be doing all of us a service if we
those type of emails just to the one person for whom they have meaning,
than to all of us reading the Morgan list. We'd also help unclutter our
message files and our recycle bins. Just a thought. I hope that some of you
will comply.