>To: Midi1465@aol.com
>From: gdm@po.cwru.edu (David McCoy)
>Subject: Re: 1969 4/4 for sale
>Cc: morgans@autotox.team.net
>>hi guys,
>>a couple of weeks ago I advertised my 4/4 for sale and got a lukewarm response
>>at best. What am I doing wrong? I don't know if my price is out of whack or
>>I thought $20,ooo.oo was in the ballpark for a car that I've owned for 20
>>and have maintained meticulously, new fenders, metal, wood, etc. I'm
>>reasonably new to the internet, so maybe I'm missing the right forum to try
>>to sell it in.
>Mike this is "a place to advertize; but not the only one. There are variuos
sites on the internet that will list your car w photo's for a small fee.
The Special Car Classified page being one I enjoy looking at;
>If you have been reading this list for any length of time; you will note
that this is a very eclectic bunch; composed of long time owners/ restorers/
weekend fixum drive um types/ lovers of classic old Mogs/ concours
types/lovers of fashionable tony new mogs/ and actually a few lucky sods
that race the damn things. The recient pissing contests re Fink/Ruetter/ and
Sharples has done much to illustrate the many different attitudes and points
of view. In fact the posts have been almost as insightfull as a viewing of
trhe classic japaneese movie Rashaman (or is it "mon"?). Good luck and let
me know if that site is of use.
>Dave (who may wash his Mog for the july 31 show at Shaker Square; Ohio) McCoy