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Re: Wave-and-Flash-Lights-Ranking

To: "William G. Lamb, III" <>
Subject: Re: Wave-and-Flash-Lights-Ranking
From: Colin Cobb <>
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 17:31:30 -0600
Hey Chris, Hey William G. Lamb, III, Hey Guys,

All this talk about who waves to whom first (if at all) misses a key
element in the equation. In determining the wave protocol the two
vehicles' position on the Lack of Creature Comfort Index (LCCI) must be
considered... In other words, just how much is the other driver
sacrificing? How much is he demonstrating his devotion to the very
concept of sports motoring? How badly is he likely to need

Anyone driving an open sportscar in a snowstorm merits a wave, nod,
smile, and clasped hands over the head.

Anyone driving an open sportscar in a rainstorm merits a wave, nod, and
smile regardless of the relative standing of the two vehicles on the
waving food chain.

Regardless of the weather, really, really large drivers of very small
sportscars who, nevertheless, continue to smile shall be granted a smile
and the much sought after "thumbs up!" sign by all.

Using this equation, even elderly Blower Bentlys must grant the first
wave to Morgans...

Of course, Plus 8's must wave first to (proper) Plus 4's, Plus 4's wave
first to 4/4's. Morgan 4 Seaters wave first to Morgan 2 Seaters. All the
above wave first to Flat Rads and everyone in the world, including cops,
spectators, and small dogs, must wave first to Three-Wheelers.

Not only does this formula have the beneficial effect of encouraging
those who so sorely (pun intended) need encouragement, but it also
obviates any possibility of anyone in an English sportscar EVER having
to wave first to anything manufactured in Sweden, Germany, or Japan...

May we all live long and prosper in peace!

--Colin Cobb, Las Cruces, NM, USA

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