Lubricate your pedal assembly! There are 2 zerk fittings on it. One is on
the /brake pedal itself and the other is on the clutch pedal shaft support
all the way on the left end of the pedal assembly. There are also two more
zerk fittings that need to be lubricated every 3,000 miles or so. One is
located under the center of the crossmember at the base of the firewall. It
must be reached from underneath the car, and lubricates the right hand end
of the clutch pedal shaft. The other is reached through a hole in the top
center of the transmission cover once the upholstery is removed from the
metal trans. tunnel cover. It is forward of the access hole about 2 inches
or so and is aimed up at a 45 degrees angle so that it can be reached with a
grease gun through the access hole. This lubricates the throw out bearing
where it slides back and forth in the bellhousing.
Regards, Greg Solow
-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Callas <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 9:02 PM
Subject: Brake joined to the clutch
>I got in the Moggie this morning ('67, +4), and decided to drive it because
>it's the first decent day we've had in the Valley in weeks. So I cranked it
>up and puttered off, and noticed that -- somehow the clutch pedal and brake
>pedal were joined. Push the clutch, the brakes go on. It seems that if I'm
>pushing the brake, the clutch pedal moves too. Not good. I poke at it a
>bit, and drive it around the block, and the car is acting a lot like a car
>acts when the clutch is on its last legs. I drive it back to the driveway,
>sulk, and take the Defender.
>Is this something stupid that if I know the right place to bang, the pieces
>that have bound together will unbind? Or am I looking at what I fear, a new
> Jon