My daughter's only 5'2" and she can't see over the wheel either. I'm 5'5"
and can barely see over it. She usually just puts a folded moving pad under
the seat cushion. Works fine.
I've been thinking about just making a taller seat bottom. Two pieces of
ash and a small sheet of plywood and a steel strap using the old one as a
pattern can't be that hard to make.
Jerry Murphy
'67 +4
At 11:03 PM 3/5/99 -0800, Jon Callas wrote:
>I don't know about you, but when I sit in my Mog, my eyes are barely over
>the hood, or bonnet if you prefer. It also makes the wing mirrors useful
>for little more than seeing the headlamps of someone parked behind me, but
>that's a different story.
>Tamzen and I have mused about finding some high-density foam, or at least
>an old telephone book to sit on. Has anyone else addressed this problem?
> Jon