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Re: checking a price

To: William Zehringa <zehrinwa@UMDNJ.EDU>,
Subject: Re: checking a price
From: Bob Nogueira <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 98 21:05:51 -0500
-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

-------- REPLY, Original message follows --------

> From: William Zehring          \ Internet:    (

 "Ohhhh, FLAT RADS!"  My knowledge of
> this particular car is limited.  It is my understanding that the engine is
> rebuilt and ready to run, but that the car is almost completely

I would strongly  suggest that you  insure the radiator is in good condition
. Unlike some  cars of the period the chrome outer shell of the Morgan Flat
Rad is the  top tank. Getting it repaired is very expensive to impossible as
few rad shops can solder the tank without screwing up the chrome  and few
chrome shops can  replate the tank without screwing up the radiator. 
I also know that the Master brake cylinder is rather  rare and parts can be
hard to find,
The 16 inch wheels are difficult  to find so insure they are in good shape.
The steering box was changed somewhere during that time and if  it has the
earlier type  parts are again hard to find.

Bob Nogueira

  We can  now say we  know what the "Thinking Man " has been thinking about,

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