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Re: Apology

To: Bob Nogueira <>,
Subject: Re: Apology
From: "Lance K. Lipscomb" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 21:01:59 -0400

I spent 8 years living in Rochester New York during the 70s.  This was the
salt capital of the world.  I would buy a new car every two years, because
by 3 years you had rust holes through the sheet metal....rust never sleeps.

Lance K. Lipscomb
in Rust free Atlanta

At 09:42 PM 4/11/98 -0500, Bob Nogueira wrote:
>-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --
>Okay all you Morgan owners in the snow covered climates, I owe you a apology
>.  For some time now I have read ( and heard ) of you guys not driving
>because of the ' Salt '  on the roads. Now while mom always taught me not to
>say anything if I couldn't say something nice, she never told me I couldn't
>think it , so  for some time now I have thought ,  ' what a pile of
>pantywaists  afraid of a little cool weather and using salt as a excuse .'
>Well  this past week I started  fixing some of the  wear from the Alaska
>trip  ( like 68  stone chips and one dented wing )   Well shock of shocks
>when I found that some of the wing screws and chip areas under the wings 
>had this red coating.  In 18 years I can't' remember having a  rusty bit  on
>The Duchess.  If a one month drive on salt covered roads can rust  a  new
>plated  screw and nut, I hate to think what regular driving would do  to a
>Morgan !     
>So I  sorry  folks  but please be assured I am doing penance ( I got 4 wings
>to sand down for a respray ) 
>Bob Nogueira   

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