Hello out there!
A friend of mine has bought a Morgan from USA.
It is a Morgan +4 1959 with chassis no 4057 and
engine no TS 34982 ME.
As my friend has no access to internet I have
promised to help him and ask you guys if you know
anything about this prticular car.
In 1980 it was in the possesion of Mr (or Mrs?)
Aleen Stanton in Madison, Connecticut USA who
sold it this year to Top Cat Inc.in Danbury, Conn.
In 1986 it was sold to Mr. Rickard Cohen, the dealer from whom my friend
bought the car, which was delivered to Gothenburg the day before christmas.
If any of you know the previous owners or anything further about the
history of this car I will very much appreciate if you will tell me about
The car is in running condition but in need of restoration.
The colour at the moment is bright blue with black wings.
My friend think that it also has been black in the earlier life.
I look forward to hear from you.
Kenneth Nilsson, Sweden
+4 1959, TR2 1954