-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --
-------- REPLY, Original message follows --------
> Date: Tuesday, 02-Dec-97 09:29 AM
> From: William Zehring \ Internet: (zehrinwa@umdnj.edu)
> SNIP__________________
Indeed, Rick is correct to suggest the option of a
> supersaturated solution. This is certainly within the realm of
> though it cannot be considered a stable or long term condition, either in
> chemistry or in marriage law.
> SNIP_____________________
> Cheers,
> Will Zehring
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Don't know nothing 'bout chemistry and darn little 'bout marriage but I do
know that when driving my Morgan in the rain my clothes get "
SUPERSATURATED" and remain that way for a" long term".
Bob Nogueira ' who just drove home in the pouring rain'