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Re: TexMog

Subject: Re: TexMog
From: (Charles A Harris)
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 19:19:31 -0600
Matilda is now able to start on her own, thanks to Bob Noguira.  Ends up
that it was the starter motor after all.  My spare had one of the three
locating screws for the core missing but Bob got one out of his spare MG
starters.  I will get the one we removed as quickly as possible so that I
will have it ready to go in as soon as this one dies.  I now remember
that this one Bob fixed was out of my old Cortina GT, so it rejoins it's
original engine.  Anyway Matilda went waltzing on her own power, starters
that work sure are a thing of joy, and we were able to terrorize small
children and women.  I want to thank all of you that gave me advice and
what to look for.  One thing that has become obvious is that with all the
mods I made though the years and the quick by the side of the road
military engineering fixes, that it is time to try to straighten out all
the splices, odd colored wires and just clean up this mess of stuff so it
makes things easier to follow.  Again to all thanks. 

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