Mike Hartley wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am looking for advice on good books about Morgans, specifically the 4
> cylinder variety. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
> Cheers,
> Mike Hartley
> mganut@accucomm.netMike-Many good books, and more appearing all the time
>(just ordered two
yesterday!) I'm partial to John Tipler's "Morgan-The Cars and the
Factory"(ISBN 1 85223 750 3), Colin Musgrove's "Moggie,"(ISBN 0 907054 01
3)-sadly, out of print, and Ken Hill's"Completely Morgan -four wheeler's
1936 to 1968" (ISBN 1 874105 33 2 ). Having said that, all of them have
something I enjoy.You should order the Classic Motorbooks full catalog
for a good assortment of current stuff(1-800-826-6600)-I think they send
em free.Enjoy!
Jeff Smith
1968 4/4 1600