At 07:17 AM 9/15/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Keep us in the loop and tell us how far off the "simple/sloppy" TDC was
>from the "elegant/accruate" TDC.
I quit while I was ahead on the simple/sloppy method. See, I'm getting
smarter all the time! The car's running fine. When I have the radiator out
this winter I'll do the elegant & accurate method, & let you know how it
The radiator has to come out because both of the top brace mounts broke
away from their solder joints. One happened back in 1992, which I
refastened with a wire tie and the filler side bracket broke yesterday. Two
wire ties to hold that side around the filler funnel. Probably not a good
idea to have the radiator firmly held at the bottom and pretty much held by
the hose at the top, so I'm going to have to jury rig something pretty
quickly to tighten it up and lessen the stress at the lower brackets.
My starting problem turned out to be the battery just couldn't do it
anymore The voltage would drop to 5v on cranking. The new one works great.
Anybody know the size of the thread on the brass nuts that hold the wires
onto the fuel gauge, et al? It seems to be about a #6, but it's not 6-32.
Having lost two, I've opted to see the temp rather than fuel level for the
time being.
Again, thanks to all for your suggestions.
Jerry Murphy