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Re: Emergency Plug Cap

To: il803@cleveland.Freenet.Edu
Subject: Re: Emergency Plug Cap
Date: Sun, 1 Jun 1997 19:32:25 -0400 (EDT)
Hey Ralph,

On Sun, Jun 1, you wrote:

>Dear Friend Colin- Check your thumb nail. You will find that it it pretty
close to >0.025 inches thick and can be used in an emergency to gap plugs--
Been there
>etc. Sorry, none of your fingernails are long enough to set point gap.
Another old 
>trick out of the old trick bag.

 Ralph, thanks for the suggestion, sounds like a good one! Would not,
however, work in my case...

 No fingernails, donchaknow? Ripped out by their roots during the discussion
with my lovely Bride of 32 years as she tried to convince me that I really
and truly did NOT need another Morgan.  But I learn by my mistakes...
  Taught me to NEVER go to sleep during one of these discussions if there is
a length of rope and a pair of pliers in the house. Also reminded me not to
EVER let her find out that I have a device in my tool box which was
especially designed by some clever soul for splitting hopelessly rusted nuts.
We all know what that device is called! 

 OOOhhhhhh! Talk about treachery!

Colin Cobb, doing better since the bandages came off, outside Las Cruces, NM.
36 F2 & 66 Plus 4

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