Let me take a stab at this one Colin. "tu tiene no huevos" or something
like that would be the epithet you would use when daring somone to do
something an otherwise sane individual might otherwise not do. It is a
taunt which is bound to launch a young male into action, as is suggests in
no uncertin terms that his manhood is being called int oquestion. Alt
more vulgar taunt then for example the "double dog dare". Anyone not able
to figure it out can contact me and i'll give you the American translation
which is two word, first word "no" second word the term for a pitch out of
the strike zone!
Dave (Ithink my fever is breaking) McCoy
G. David McCoy, PhD Dept. of Environmental Health Sciences
gdm@po.cwru.edu School of Medicine
ph(216) 368 5963 Case Western Reserve University
fx(216) 368 3194 10900 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, OH 44106-4940