Jeremy, et al:
Many thanks for your detailed protocol. I'm printing it up and will use it
as my guide if I do end up pulling the engine. It seems pretty likley that
I will. I am not sure how I can drop the crank w/o removing the front
pulley system and then dealing with the first motion shaft. Engine removal
is a job I've tackled in a couple of MGs so... Oil preasure is good and the
engine doesn't smoke so I hope to confine my repairs to the bottom end. New
bearings are a good idea, tho, as long as I'm there, but I don't forsee
doing any head work at this point.
As to the TVR, let me re-assure members of the Morgans list that no such
deal is actually in the making. While I like this fellow's TVR quite a bit,
I *also* like my 4/4 quite a bit. The final word was my wife's, "NO!" It
seems she doesn't consider the TVR a thing of beauty. It seems she much
prefers the Mog. Did I marry well, or what???
>Taking out a 4/4 engine is easy, so long as you don't try and save time
>by not taking things off.