Dave -
I've had my '61 +4 since 1978, and has been a *driver* for most of that
time. It has the TR3 engine, also with no run for air filters. That
bothered me alot initally, 'cause I never had seen or heard of a car w/o
them. However, with good maintenance and a lot of luck, I've never had any
problem that I can trace to this "uniqueness". The car is nearing the end
of a complete frame-up rebuild right now, including having torn the engine
down, and it shown very little signs of wear - certainly nothing unusual.
My advice ... drive it, enjoy it, and act mildly amused at the concerns
others show at its missing air filers.
Bill Yarborough
'61 +4
>Reciently purchased a 1966 plus 4. Its got a great TR4A motor with twin
>SU's. It runs great but I am concerned about the lack of air filters. I have
>been told that they were options at the time of purchase. These however
>proved to be unsatisfactory. Does not seem to be enough room under the
>bonnet for the air filters that Triumph supplied with their cars. Any
>thoughts out there or do I just continue to try and combust whatever gets
>sucked in!
>Dave McCoy
>'66 Mog +4