Hey Gang,
A few months ago I toured the NEW DeLorean factory
here in Houston! They are rebuilding cars from the
ground up. To keep the original VIN there are about
10 parts that must be reused. Everything else is new.
I can tell you it is quite a sight to see THOUSANDS
of DeLorean doors racked up in the warehouse right
next to THOUSANDS of V6 engines!
I must admit I was impressed but can also say that
I have never been too impressed with the car, per se.
In person it looks to be a somewhat poorly assembled
kit-car - even the "new" ones. Used, drivable cars
are going for something in the low-to-mid $20ks with
"new" cars in the upper $40s to mid $50s, I believe
they said. Upon my visit they did give me an original
broschure. Kinda a nice thing - but I'll keep my
Ferrari and MGB.
--- Aeseeyou@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 9/11/2007 12:10:45 P.M. Pacific
> Daylight Time,
> max_heim@sbcglobal.net writes:
> Why would anyone care if they saw a Delorean? <g>
> Well Max,
> According to the following article out of SCI-FI
> Tech/SCIFI.COM Posted on
> Tuesday, August 21, 2007
> Yes, obviously a certain element of people care
> enough about the Stainless
> Steel bodied car that:
> The DeLorean is making a comeback in 2008
> Good news for wealthy, impractical Back to the
> Future fans: the DeLorean is
> making a comeback. With manufacturing beginning at
> the end of this year, the
> DeLorean should be for sale in the first quarter of
> next year for a projected
> price of $57,500.
> As cool as this is, you've gotta wonder if there's
> any way buying a new
> DeLorean could not be disappointing. After all,
> there's no flux capacitor, no
> Mr.
> Fusion, and no ability to fly. It's just a car from
> a sweet movie that's
> just as impractical as it was 25 years ago. But hey,
> you can't help loving
> some
> things, can you? We'll see if we suddenly see an
> influx of DeLoreans on the
> road come next summer. b Adam Frucci SCIFI.
> I wouldn't mind seeing them as I feel that their
> place in history was stolen
> from them by the lame actions of the person who was
> most responsible for the
> car being built in the first place, John DeLorean.
> They have sadly been
> relegated to being the butt of dumb jokes about snow
> plows, etc. We still get
> one
> or two well kept DeLoreans every year at our annual
> British Car Show...While
> they were definitely underpowered, I wish a Series 2
> could have been built
> with a more powerful engine and better suspension
> (the plaintive wail of
> British Car fans everywhere... 8^)
> Albert Escalante
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