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Re: [Mgs] Paper or Felt Oil Filters

To: MGS <>
Subject: Re: [Mgs] Paper or Felt Oil Filters
From: Rick Lindsay <>
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 08:16:51 -0700 (PDT)
Do you guys go by the old adage of a minimum of
"5psi/1000rpm" saying?  That's what we used to say
when we drove Triumphs. (Please pardon the French.)  

I think you are exactly right when you state that
pressure is just a surrogate for flow rate through the
bearings.  That is the real measure and I like to
think in terms of bearing cooling more so than

My Italian car idles at 60psi and operates anything
off idle at 90psi!  It also has a fire pump for an oil
pump using a dry sump design with twin scavenger pumps
running in the sump.  The actual lines to/from the
high pressure pump and oil cooler are steel jacketed
lines about 1-3/8" OD.  Lubrication and bearing
cooling are serious concerns as these 3.0 liter V8
engines can run at 7700rpm red-line all day long - and

Fun thread.  Thanks to all.

various cars

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