The white/green is the accessories wire i.e. for radio etc. (the solenoid
wire is white/light-green and goes to the coil +ve). On an American LE
(i.e. 79-80 model) that is all it is used for (on some 70s models it fed
washers, wipers and heater fan via an in-line fuse), so either whatever is
connected to it has shorted out, or the wire itself has become trapped and
the insulation cut through, or possibly the bullet on the end of the wire
wasn't insulated (i.e. with a bullet connector) and that touched the body.
It could have damaged the ignition switch as well as the browns feeding it
coming up from the solenoid.
----- Original Message -----
>I started up my LE and within seconds heavy smoke erupted from under the
> dash. I turned off the key, jumped out and disconnected the battery.
> Digging around, I found the white/green from the ignition switch melted,
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