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Re: [Mgs] Formula 1 (No MG content

To: MGS <>
Subject: Re: [Mgs] Formula 1 (No MG content
From: Eric Erickson <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 17:07:43 +0930
On 10/06/2007, at 11:56 AM, Rick Lindsay wrote:
>    Here is another crack at that same idea but this
> time as a random series of pictures from last year.
> I'll point out a couple I like then turn you loose to
> view them all.

Enjoy!  Enjoy!

Always a hard but enjoyable few days.  At least a MY office earlier  
this year (Turn 5 - Albert Park) we had a bit of grass to collapse on  
when required -)

I always kick myself for not taking more photos... then everyone says  
they will share photos and shared e-mail addresses seem to disappear  
amongst the after-party drinks :-)

Now, Rick, you need to make sure you get yourself a French flaggy  
like we had (well, she was seconded from the spectator marshall ranks  
but we made sure we trained her up pretty well :-)

Have fun and report back - oh yeah, and see you at Albert Park next  

Stay SAFE!  We hate losing good marshalls!


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