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Re: An apology and a confession....

To: <>
Subject: Re: An apology and a confession....
From: "oliver" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 14:03:07 -0500
there is a company in fort worth called old air products? that has a unit 
for mg's.  several people in the tmgr have installed it.  i do not know how 
well it works, etc, but they said its impact on the hp was minimal.  if you 
want to speak to them directly contact me off list and i will put you in 
touch with them.

> Speaking of which, Kelvin, I noticed in Moss of Europe they have an air
> conditioning retrokit available.  As Oklahoma is just about as hot as 
> Dallas is
> it sure would extend my use of my MG if it could cool me down in the
> afternoons.
> Any chance of you all bringing that kit to us (at a price I could also
> afford)?
> Craig
> 1977 MGB

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