and IT is leaking!
Peter C.
At 06:41 PM 7/4/2006, Rick Brown wrote:
>There is a picture of it on this page
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Gorr" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2006 17:42
>Subject: MGB trailer photo wanted
>>Last week at Gatlinburg, I saw an innovative MGB trailer over at the Holiday
>>Inn. This one was made out of an MGB rear end, I think it was yellow and the
>>neat part was that the gas cap had been replaced with a beer tap. Apparently
>>the boot contained a keg and ice to cool it. I could've sworn I got a shot of
>>it, but reviewing the digital camera results, I come up blank. Does anybody
>>know the whereabouts of this trailer or have a photo they're willing to