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Re: high compression pistons

To: MG LIST <>
Subject: Re: high compression pistons
From: Eric Erickson <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 10:05:51 +0930
On 02/06/2006, at 7:17 AM, wrote:
> The normal step to take on these is to use flat  top pistons (the  
> normal ones
> are dished) which puts you into the 9.5 area - a  useful bump but  
> not enough
> to cause any problems running 92 octane.

My JE flat tops pushed my compression "over the top".  With a ported,  
polished, shaved (shampooed) head my compression has well passed the  
11 stage and I can only really safely (especially under competition  
conditions) run my engine on 105+ octane fuel (cheapest I can get is  
AVGAS with is $1.00 litre cheaper than the cheapest ELF fuel).  And  
people complain about fuel prices - I pay almost DOUBLE what they do!

I can cruise the streets on "premium unleaded" @ 98 octane but she  
pings badly if I have to accelerate rapidly (under load) - or get up  
a decent sized hill.

Our "special permission" to use this leaded fuel is reviewed each  
year with the constant threat that it will finally be banned from  
track use under all sorts of environmental acts (don't get me started  
about the leaded vs unleaded debate).  The next review is September  
this year.  If AVGAS is banned then I will finally have to do  
something about the head - and it has been suggested that there is  
possibly some room to dish the pistons as well.

So there you go.

You want pistons?  I highly recommend these people http://

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