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re: And, I make S curves as I drive down the road

To: <>
Subject: re: And, I make S curves as I drive down the road
From: "Eric J Russell" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 18:59:09 -0500
> Looking to pass, you press down on the pedal and - the car makes a
> quick but gentle "swerve" to first the right, then the left, then
> settles down.
> As you finish passing, you ease back on the pedal and - the car 
> makes
> a quick but gentle "swerve" to first the right, then the left, then
> settles down.
> In fact, by playing with the gas pedal, I can kind of do a little
> sashaying down the road.

As others have stated, this is classic for loose U-bolts at the rear 
axle. The rubber pads deteriorate and the formerly tight U-bolts 
become loose. This allows the rear axle to 'steer', typically one way 
under acceleration and the other way under deceleration.

One other place to check are the rubber pads between the front 
cross-member and 'frame' rails (OK, I know a unit-body doesn't have a 

I spent a long while chasing down an odd 'self-steering' problem in 
our '78 MGB. Although I snugged down the large cross-member to frame 
bolts, the cross-member was actually still rocking slightly because 
the rubber pads were perished. The bolts are shouldered so I was 
actually only snugging them down to the shoulder.

I replaced these pads with polyurethane replacements. Now the front 
end is nice and snug.

Eric Russell
Mebane, NC

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