I think you would have to twist the connection quite a long way to cause
damage. If you can't get something to hold the body of the connection
in-situ while you attempt to unscrew the switch - you may have to fabricate
something - you might be reduced to undoing all the pipes to remove the
connection and switch to a vice.
Is this a current (no pun intended) new switch you are putting in? Or new
old stock? I ask because there is much evidence that current switches are
not up to the load of the lamps, and fail again quite quickly. The standard
thing with a new switch seems to be to add a relay, with a quenching diode
across the winding of the relay to also protect the hydraulic switch.
----- Original Message -----
> Attempting to replace the brake light switch on 66 MGB. Having
> difficulty removing the old one, with the torque of removal I am
> concerned that I will damage the 4 way connection or the brake lines.