"Dodd, Kelvin" <doddk@mossmotors.com> wrote:
My thought would be to base your rules and regulations on the needs of your
racing population rather than comparing to other existing groups.
>My sentiments Kelvin, I was just hoping to get a broader viewpoint on
the matter. It was my intention to pick the provisions or rules that would be
applicable to our present situation. Not copy in totality an existing
series....more of letting it fly before clipping its wings.
> Im just doing research not even formulating.
Safety is one thing, and a look at the safety requirements of other
groups would be very useful with the understanding that these
requirements may also be based on experience and insurance demands.
>Safety is prime on my list.
The intent of the club should always be the rule to live by. Has the
club been created to exhibit and enjoy historic vehicles, or is it a
highly competitive arena where anything goes to be number one. This
intent will dictate how restrictive modification and safety coverage
needs to be. If the former, then one overly competitive type A
personality with money should not spoil the fun for the rest of the
group by taking the first every race.
>These prudent words are never wasted. Thanks for the above.
'65 MGB
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