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RE: Turn signals

To: "Scott Regel" <>,
Subject: RE: Turn signals
From: "Dodd, Kelvin" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 08:44:02 -0800

Most likely problem.

The Green (fused, ignition switched) circuits originate at the fuse box.
A single ignition switched feed (white) connects to one terminal of the
fuse box and is ganged to (I think) three of the fuses.  This ganging is
achieved by riveted strips on the back side of the fuse box.  It is
common for corrosion to force the strips and the rivets apart and
continuity is lost.  

Get a volt meter or test light and check the fuse box terminals that
have green wires connected to them.  

With the ignition on, all of these terminals should be hot.  If one is
not, then check the empty terminal on the other side of the fuse.
Assuming the fuse is good, you have found your culprit.

A couple of weeks ago we had a gathering of modified MGBs.  There was a
V6 powered one that would run badly and die intermittently.  Sure enough
when I connected the fuel injection circuit directly to a brown feed
wire everything worked fine.  By the fates, one of the party had a brand
new fuse box he had purchased that day and we had the box changed out
and the couple back on the road in a few minutes.         

Kelvin Dodd

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Of Scott Regel
> Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:41 AM
> To: Gosling, Richard B;
> Subject: RE: Turn signals
> They don't come on at all on either side.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gosling, Richard B []
> Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:18 AM
> To: Scott Regel;
> Subject: RE: Turn signals
> What's the behaviour?  Do the lights come on and stay on?  Or not come
> on at
> all?  Is the problem on just one side or both sides?
> You can eliminate the flasher just by connecting the two connectors
> should connect to the flasher directly to each other.  When you do
> turning the indicator on should turn the lights on continuously, no
> flashing.
> Otherwise all I can recommend is a treasure hunt with a voltmeter...
> Richard & Nancy

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