I am curious as to what the difference is between the types of automatic
choke. I was looking thru a catalog (VB I think) and saw the Weber kit and
it had options for manual choke, electric choke and water choke? Moss
shows a kit for only the Manual (early) or Electric (late) choke. My 80
'B' has auto choke, but I think it only has a connection for coolant to the
carb, so I assume this means I have the "water" choke? Or is mine
electrical? Not being an expert on carbs, I'm confused.
Speaking of carbs. I was eventually hoping to slowly increase the
horsepower of my beautiful 'B'. From what I have read, the easiest way is
to improve the airflow. ( e.g. header and more flow-thru exhaust), then
improve carb. I'd rather not go to the multiple carb route, but maybe the
Weber downdraft? What are your thoughts as to this. Is it worth it?
$500+ for a weber setup better be worth it!
If I stay with the ZS, would it help to add a K&N filter instead of the
clap-trap that is on it now? If I do that, will it hurt the starting or
warm-up since all that clap-trap seems to be attached to get warm air to
the carb early.
As usual, your education is appreciated.
John Hed
P.S. I have already "detoxed" it, if you know what I mean. ;-)