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Re: Pronounciations and Spellings

To: "mg listserve" <>
Subject: Re: Pronounciations and Spellings
From: "Maynard Hirsch" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 13:17:16 -0500
Rocky wrote:

Reminds me of the story about the two old ladies who stop in Albuquerque to 
get lunch while driving from L. A. to Chicago. The waitress comes over and 
one of the ladies asks her, "How do you pronounce the name of this place? 
Please say it slowly and clearly, since we don't hear too well."

The waitress says, "Burr-gerr Kiiing."

Reminds me of another story.

A couple was visiting Hawaii.  They couldn't decide to call it Hawaii or 
Havaii.  They decided to ask a local.  He said "Havaii"  The were happy and 
said thanks.  He replied:  "You're Velcome"


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