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RE: (more) Laughs of the Day

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: (more) Laughs of the Day
From: "Dodd, Kelvin" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 13:15:58 -0700

That bridge still exists and is lots of fun at 80 in a B.  

Unfortunately the really fun bridge which had a hard right just off the
end is gone.  On that bridge you had to set the car for the corner just
before going airborne.  It and the bridge just after it were washed out
during the spring time storms.  The new bridges look to be a straight
shot which means charging up the hill after them is going to be a
challenge as the first corner is an acute right with dropoff.  I can see
a lot of cars going off there with the straight run before it.

Currently traffic is being diverted to Hwy 192 which has some very
unforgiving corners with trees at the apexes.  Yesterday a farm truck
managed to dump 5 crates of Avocados on the road so it was a bit more
slippery than usual.  


Albert wrote.

Kelvin, does that  one narrow bridge
> still
> exist on that last stretch of back road before Hwy.150  veers north
> towards
> Hwy. 101 and Carpinteria? Anyway we ripped  across that bridge
> at
> about 80 mph. I felt as if I was on a  roller coaster 

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