Hmm, I looked at the page, didn't see any filters listed for the
hanging spin-on adapters. In fact, Barney solicited input.
So: I'm using the hanging spin-on filter adapter shown on the bottom
of Barney's page. The filter I'm using with this adapter is the NAPA
Gold 1374, which should cross over to Wix 51374. The NAPA Gold is a
Wix, y'see.
Moss used to sell this adapter, that's where I got mine years ago. I
had to buy a longer oil cooler hose to fit on this adapter because the
hose port points to the rear. I switched to this adapter because I had
probs with the rods rattling on engine start after the car had been
parked for more than a few days. It didn't solve the problem. The oil
is, apparently, still draining from the main gallery, I guess.
Councill, David wrote:
> As usual, Barney is all wise. I thought it was just the Moss conversion
> too but that was the first part of the page. The stock MG conversion
> (from the canister style) was the last half the page, showing the
> standard bracket piece. And it listed the proper filters - i.e. Fram
> ph43 or NAPA 1068 among others that I have never used.
> David Councill