Being a dyed in the wool Englishman I have feel awful about the London
bombings. I spent many hours traveling on the Underground and on those
delightful double decker buses. Getting the front seats at the top was heaven.
What riles me is that the press continuos to use "terrorists?, a word that
has almost become a badge of honour in some (misguided) people's
minds. Why don't they call them what they are - pathological killers with
probable sexual performance deficiencies. Same sort of blokes in the IRA,
an organisation satisfying its desire to hurt and main because of social
and sexual under-achievement under a guise of political intent (sound
familiar?). Hopefully the New York area population will not be hoodwinked
into financially supporting this new crop of demented misfits as they were
with the IRA.
Barrie Robinson
MGB GT V8 in the making
Aston Martin DB 2/4 MkII in the wings
Purveyor of O-ring kits for Smith and Jaeger gauges
------- and of stainless steel mesh grilles for MGBs
------- and of bitumastic soundproofing