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Re: HS4 float chamber seal

To: Eric Erickson <>
Subject: Re: HS4 float chamber seal
From: Barney Gaylord <>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 03:02:18 -0500
At 04:52 PM 4/25/05 +0930, Eric Erickson wrote:
>Ok, we may be talking about different ends of the hose.  I am talking 
>about the end that is bolted into the bottom of the float chamber.

Oh.  Sorry about that.  I have never disassembled one of those.  Please 
disregard all of my prior comments (until you manage to break the other end).

>.... Take off the airfilters .... and By using a LITTLE torch and jamming 
>my head down beside the carbies I can actually see the nut on the hose.
>I have taken this off - pulled the little hose out - using a bit of hooked 
>coathanger wire I fished out the old seal.  It is in tatters so I guess 
>this is probably the problem.
>Right now I am waiting for a little of the fuel to evaporate before I jam 
>in the new seal and put the thing back together. ....
>It was much easier than I was led to believe - but ....

Yeah, that end does look easier, being an original screwed assembly 
joint.  So how about a picture or two?  And do tell where you find the new 
seal (down under).

And if Moss Motors is tuned in, why is this seal not listed in the Moss 
catalog (even though it is listed by a well known competitor).

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude (and some interest in other models)

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